BOOS Conference 2020 – Virtual
Date: November 2020
Venue: Zoom Webinar
The annual BOOS conference attracts around 100 orthopaedic oncology specialists from across the country. Generally, this event takes place face to face but like so many others switched to virtual in 2020. The event runs over one day.
Echo’s Involvement
Echo were tasked with finding the right platform for running the conference. We settled on using Zoom Webinar for the event with tech support from Big Purple Productions.
157 people registered to attend the event and 154 logged into the meeting which was an incredibly high portion of those who registered. The conference included pre-recorded presentations in order to help with timings and any connection issues however speakers were logged in live to answer questions after their presentation.
“Great organization and seamless virtual conference. Really enjoyed it. Well organized”
“Great event. Many amazing speakers. Very educational”
“I enjoyed the wide variety of talks throughout the day. I thought the organisation of the panel discussions was excellent.”
“I enjoyed the speaker presentations and Q&A sessions. It was easy and simple to view the poster presentations for the conference. Good communication prior to the conference.”